Clan Pompey News

Match Of the Day 2 - 2006

In 2006, Clan Pompey became the subject of Match of the Day 2.

It followed some of our members especially Ken Wilson as they travelled from the North of Scotland to Fratton Park.

Click below to watch the 10 minute You Tube Video of his and the Clans travel on a cold November weekend.

Clan Pompey MOTD 2(Click here)


Clan Pompey MOTD 2 (The Shorter 5 minute version)(Click here)

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Clan Membership

If you are interested in joining the Clan - here's what it will cost you,

Adult - £12 per year,

Child - £6 per year,

Family - £24 per year.

Clan Pompey Exec Committee

Chair - Richard Brook.

Vice-Chair - Andrew Crawford.

Secretary - Phil Reed.

Treasurer & Tickets - Scott Clark.

Membership - Carl Wrightson.

Clan Awards

As a member of the clan, you get to vote for

The Player of the Season.

Also there is a chance to present the trophy to them

at the final home game of the season.

Have Your Say

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All paid members can join our Whats App Group.

Send in your pictures for the galleries.

Get in contact via our contact page.