Clan Pompey Awards

Player Of The Season Awards

Since the beginning of the supporters club, we have chosen in the eyes of our members - the player who has contributed the most or performed the best during the season.
Every member is allowed one vote to nominate their choice of player.
The voting commences near the end of the season - with the player winning the most votes presented with a trophy at the last home game of each season.

Below are our previous winners: (click on the images to view some larger pictures).

Special Awards

We have also presented a few special awards. We presented Milan Mandaric with an engraved whiskey decanter and donated a PFC signed team shirt to Flav's Bar (in memory of the sad loss of PFC goalkeeper Aaron Flahaven).

We also presented the 'Bon Accord' pub in Glasgow with a Clan Pompey plaque and signed memorabilia - when it became our 'spiritual home'.

Clan Pompey Interesting Facts...

There is a good-natured east (Edinburgh) Vs west (Glasgow) clan member rivalry - especially when it comes to all sports !

Season 2002-2003 when we got promoted to the premiership, at the final match away against Bradford, we all decided to wear Scottish hats and ginger wigs! Only one brave soul went the whole hog and wore a kilt!

Our members come from all over Scotland and the North East of England.

Many of our members grew up in and around Portsmouth - but continue to follow their beloved Pompey from afar! After all - it's in the blood!

Our club flag that we take to matches is sponsored by many businesses and football fans from all over the country (including non-Pompey fans!) All their names are on labels sown into the back of the flag!

We now also have a second Clan Pompey flag, an England flag with Clan Pompey lettering. This one is for our international globetrotting members - following Pompey in Europe and the England football team!

Play up Pompey!

Clan Membership

If you are interested in joining the Clan - here's what it will cost you,

Adult - £12 per year,

Child - £6 per year,

Family - £24 per year.

Clan Pompey Exec Committee

Chair - Richard Brook.

Vice-Chair - Andrew Crawford.

Secretary - Phil Reed.

Treasurer & Tickets - Scott Clark.

Membership - Carl Wrightson.

Clan Awards

As a member of the clan, you get to vote for

The Player of the Season.

Also there is a chance to present the trophy to them

at the final home game of the season.

Have Your Say

Join in the banter on our Facebook Page.

All paid members can join our Whats App Group.

Send in your pictures for the galleries.

Get in contact via our contact page.

For more information, visit